John Reinhardt - Industrial Property Specialist

John Reinhart – Industrial Property Specialist

Business Name: Industrial Property Specialist

Almost 20 years ago Industrial Property Specialists was formed by John Reinhardt to solve our clients real estate needs. Our Can-Do attitude and commitment to go that extra mile for our clients has made our endeavor successful for both our customers and principals. Our company boasts 34 years experience in both the metro Phoenix industrial market and throughout the southwestern United States. Licensed in both Arizona and at one time in California, John has worked throughout the Phoenix Metro area and across the southwestern United States to lease and sell industrial property. John Specializes in the sales and leasing of industrial properties, working to sell properties for owners and works with business owner/user clients to find the best facility in the market. We know real estate is a relationship business, and because of that we can take the time required to provide personal service. We get face to face (now 6′ to 6′) with buyers and tenants for your property.
